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        中國徐悲鴻畫院有限公司秘書處,負責綜合協調機關和直屬單位業務、督促董事局重大事項的落實,擬訂機關內部規章制度和年度工作計劃,文電、會務、機要、文秘、保密、檔案等機關日常運轉工作,落實董事局會議確定的工作任務、機關安全和後勤保障服務的綜合部門。電話:00852-27935511   傳真:00852-35902333

   China Xu Beihong Painting Co., the Secretariat is responsible for the comprehensive coordination and supervision organs and units directly under the business major matters of the board of directors to implement the rules and regulations, internal organs and annual work plan, telegrams, conference, confidential, confidential secretary, and records of daily routine operation, comprehensive departments to implement the board meeting to determine the tasks, security and logistical services.

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    版權所有:中國徐悲鴻畫院 郵箱:qwa988@126.com 法人證照 

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